If you are using an image, you will need to resize it to fit and then upload it (so it can be viewed by your recipients). Open your preferred html editor - I use Notepad++, but any editor will do the trick (Notepad, Dreamweaver, etc.) and start by creating a table to hold your signature.
How to create email signature dreamweaver code#
The section above shows the code I wrote for the Trinity Tricks signature (everything except the thin border around it, which is just for size illustration purpose). As you can see, the signature is contained inside a small table, which makes it easier to control the display properties. While you cannot control all aspects of how your signature will appear to your recipients, you can arm yourself with enough know-how and tools to ensure that most people will see it the way you intended it to look. The main reason for images being blocked is spam protection, though people with slow internet connection may also select to not show images (as images take longer to load than text). Images blocked or turned off - Some email clients block images by default (the end user has to manually accept or 'show' images in each email, or edit their settings show external images by default).For example, if someone selects to display all their emails in plain text, this will ignore any HTML content in your signature and only display the text component. End User Settings- Basically people set up their email account to display emails the way that suits them.I have spent a lot of time ranting over the fact that 'Not all browsers are equal', but have come to the conclusion that browser differences are minuscule compared to the differences dished up by the various email clients on the market.
How to create email signature dreamweaver windows#
A signature at the end of your email is a way of personalising or 'professionalising' the way you sign off the emails you send.